Wales is a small nation that has punched above its weight in just about everything. However, there are many people in wales (especially among the 50 + age group) who will happily tell you that the Welsh people are somehow uniquely a bit thick and not capable of running a country. This attitude is a result of being told this for many decades. Before the widespread use of the internet, the BBC and English newspapers had a monopoly on the opinions of the Welsh people. They convinced many in Wales that Wales is just a 'principality' it 'isn't a real country' it has 'achieved nothing', Wales 'needs England' to survive, the welsh people 'are not capable of looking after their own interests' and lots more. This is complete nonsense, Wales has always punched above its weight and its time the people started to acknowledge this. Welsh people have always been smart enough to run a small country. Wales has made a huge contribution to the world conside...